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Ron Marshall: Reminiscence
I worked on Leo II at Cadby Hall and Leo III/1 at Hartree House as a technician.
I had become disillusioned with the Banking and Insurance industries which formed the basis of my first work experience. I joined Leo Computers in early 1960 - I had previously been working on teleprinters at the GPO and Leo
were looking for technicians to service the paper tape data entry equipment. I was at Cadby Hall for some training prior to this. I worked - among others - with Robin Stanley Jones and I think Maurice Blackburn was there as an Engineer at that time.
I worked shifts maintaining the peripherals and received training on the mainframe. It was an exciting time. I remember a visit by the Duke of Edinburgh and the programmers had arranged for the mainframe to play 'The Sailor's Hornpipe' for him! There was a later visit by the Queen Mother who asked to see a [text missing] I left Leo in 1963 - I had just got married and my new wife's father invited me to join him in his car retail business - big mistake! I re-joined what was now English Electric Leo Marconi ( I think) in 1967 and once
again worked at Hartree House. I became Technical Support for London and also trained on the VM operating system.
My manager was John Francis and I seem to remember working with Dave Hewer another Technician. I left what was now ICL in 1975 to emigrate to Canada - I had been trained on the then new Cougar Solid State Memory Systems so my skills were in demand in Canada. I worked first for ITEL where I trained on IBM 360 systems and peripherals and then Storage Technology (STC later STK) where I became VP Customer Service until 1990. I retired in 2005. This exhibit has a reference ID of CH56466. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History. |